
The 12th annual Orlando Codecamp is this Saturday, April 8th!  Once again, the ONETUG board has put together an amazing lineup of speakers and sessions and we will have another great Code Camp.  Code Camp is a free event put together by the Central Florida software development community, for the community.  We’ll have sessions covering all sorts of programming languages, Cloud, DevOps, Agile, Mobile, IoT, Soft Skills, and more. 

The day will start with a keynote from Jeff Fritz, Sr Program Manager from Microsoft.  You will then have over 85 sessions to pick from throughout the day.  We have free breakfast, lunch, and an after party.  And of course, the world-famous Orlando Codecamp t-shirt!!

Don’t miss it, for more information head to


Orlando Codecamp 2017 will be held 8am-5pm April 8th, 2017 at University Partnership Building, Seminole State College (Sanford), 100 Weldon Blvd, Sanford FL 32746